Communication Skills in the Business & Social Arena
is the anthem - Conversation is the ball game"
...says Barry Farber, the famous radio interviewer
II. A Seminar in Business & Social
Training in the skills necessary to generate the positive impressions
needed in the business world and the social arena.
III. A Seminar in Business
& Social Entertaining
Training in the vital skills necessary at every
social occasion where
business may be conducted, or where it's important to
know which
fork to use.
IV. Visual Poise
Your body language tells your story. It's important to have the skills
that makes the power statement you want from the moment you
enter the room until the moment you exit the room. "Visual Poise"
is often referred to a the "Model's Body Language".
V. Fashion Personality & Wardrobe Planning
Everything in life is reflected by fashion. It tells a lot about ourselves.
That first impression is a lasting impression. Gain the skills necessary
to make a "power" statement that says "I'm wearing the clothes,
the clothes are not wearing me".
VI. Miss Manners
Especially designed for the minority young woman ages 9 - 18.
Learn the "do's" and "don'ts" for any situation so you can present
yourself with confidence and authority - the things you need to
learn at an early age.
VII. American Cultural Manners
Especially designed for women and men who are new to the
American Cultural Manners. As you learn to assimilate into
the mainstream of American Cultural Society, get a jump-start
by learning the fine points of good manners along with the
subtleties of the corporate business world so that you can
present yourself with confidence and authority.